2017 Archives

Plage de l’Arinella Bastia.Corse

Lever de soleil.Bastia

Lever de soleil de toute beauté.

Default Gallery Type Template

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A serra di Pigno

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

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Super Lune

Le ciel se déchire au dessus de Saint Florent.

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

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A Bastia.

Avec Bastia Team Gym et le CAB

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

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Téléthon Corse 2017

Du côté de Corte

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

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Première neige en Corse

Le fabuleux village de Rogliano

Perché à 200m d’altitude, 574 hab (2014)

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.


Plage de l’Arinella.Bastia.

Un petit café sur la plage ?

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

L’Art Lequin.Bastia.

Coucher de soleil sur le Golfe de Saint Florent…

Avec les vins de mes amis en Alsace.

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

L’incroyable vol stationnaire du Moro-sphinx.

Papillon hors normes, doté d’une précision redoutable il peut voler jusqu’à 50 km/h.

Environs 75 battements d’ailes à la seconde.

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.


Magnifique papillon Flambé

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.


Magnifique feu d’artifice au port de Saint Florent.

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

Papillons et libéllules de Haute Corse.Serra di Pigno.

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

A Serra di Pigno.Bastia.


Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

Asco et ses piscines naturelles de l’Asco , sa station de ski…

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

Asco. Haute Corse

Vallée de la Restonica.

lac de Melo 1711 m

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

Vallée de la Restonica.

Lac de Capitello 1930m

Escalade de rêve…Symphonie d’automne . La pointe des 7 lacs.Grande voie de 6 longueurs de 5c à 6a+

Tout en dalle…Magnifique.

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

Championnat du monde d’Aviron de Haute Corse Bastia 2017.

Sprint en ligne.Plage de l’Arinella…Vainqueur : Fred en 3.05.8

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

La pleine lune avec son halo.

100 % visible.

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

Beaucoup de navires au port de Bastia.

C’est les vacances scolaires le port est complet…ou presque!

Default Gallery Type Template

This is the default gallery type template, located in:

If you're seeing this, it's because the gallery type you selected has not provided a template of it's own.

Port de Bastia